The online dating industry is worth 3 billion worldwide. Last year 17 percent of people that got married met online which is a high increase from recent years. Some people, mostly women do use dating websites, social media like Facebook to find a love. In this article, we will discuss on how to find a lover on Facebook.
So, let’s get started with finding real love and getting hooked up on Facebook.
Create a Good Facebook Profile:
Visit: https://web.facebook.com/, ‘sign up‘ to create a facebook profile. You will need a facebook profile to Start a Facebook life, if you do not already have one. You will need a valid email address to create one. Fill out your profile in such a way that you will look attractive to the differing sex. After creating your facebook account, you will have to go to your email address to confirm your account to avoid suspension of your facebook account.
Upload Your Profile Photo:
You will also need to upload your profile photo, Your Profile Photo is the most important aspect of your Facebook dating, so make sure you uploaded a good photo. Photos of you alone is the best and only few photo, not a whole bunch of photos, looking directly into the camera and smiling to look nice. If you don’t want to look into the camera then posing to the camera will be fine as well. And make sure that your face show clearly on the photo, it doesn’t need to be a professional studio photo. Just Avoid at all costs pulling funny faces, blurring or cropping out other people in the photo just to remain only you and putting on a flirty face whilst looking away from the camera and change the privacy setting to public or friends of friends, depending on how far you’re going to take your search.
Input your RELATIONSHIP Status- Single:
The Relationship Status is a also an important point of contention among different Facebook dating conversations. Those that don’t want to list their status do so because if you are a person that has been in and out of relationships it will reflect badly on your stability and suitability as a good match. However most people I have spoken with assume a man is in a relationship or looking to have fun if his relationship status is left blank. We also notice that some women that hide their relationship status.
In your profile If your Relationship Status is set to Single, you increase your chances of someone finding you because the information is available and easy for discovery. However I do recommend that you wait 7 to 12 months before changing your relationship status to married if you are no longer single.
You also need to Set your ‘I’m looking For’ as ‘Friendship, avoid selecting more than one option two max. Profiles that says, looking For: Dating Friendship or Networking, can come off a bit desperate and sometime wasting. Then Set your ‘I’m Interested In’ to either women or men.
you will have to include your full birthday, age is very important to most people and getting this out of the way stops wasting everyone’s time. Keep your personality into the rest of your profile and try to write something interesting in the ‘About Me’ section. Set your Basic Information, Privacy Settings, depending on how safe you feel and who you want to contact you or post in your walls.
Search to Find Other Singles:
Once your Profile is set up and ready, you need to start searching for people. Facebook Groups is a great way to meet people. You can join any interested group such as: photographic group, people at 40, Enugu group or even universities and Shoprite group. You just have to search your interesting group name and join them, Groups allows you to define your search criteria by interests and name. If you’re women then browse your male friends from the group and if you’re a guy then look at your females friends
If you’re looking to narrow your search criteria by religion or cities, then search for names that are common to that religion and city. If you’re feeling brave then join a singles group and contact someone after checking their profile to see if they meet your satisfaction.
Send and accept friend request:
The facebook general rule is to not send a Friends Request or Poke someone you do not know, you can only send a friend request to people you know or have meet before, sending friend request to other people might get your account being block or suspended by facebook administrator but sending a message as the first point of contact is accepted.
Accepting a friend request is a bigger commitment then corresponding via messages. When you view the person’s profile and are sure they are not going to stalk you or flip out then add them to accept the friend request.
Again Remember that Facebook is your online identity as many of your information is publicly shown to others (unless you set your profile as private but really not advisable for people who is looking to meet someone online, your profile needs to be in public for others to check you out as they might see something that interest them to contact you) and no matter how safe we think we are being, we are sharing a lot of information on our Profile page. Some people create a separate pick-up profile which they intended to pick a girl and then transfer them to their original profile but then there is nothing less appealing fake to a girl than a man that has only women friends on his profile. It’s hard to not make the second profile appear fake.
Just like in real life, you have to start the conversation with an important and interesting thing at first sentence or two. Try opening with something positive. You can talk about activities and other information shared in her profile as she will be happy to talk to you with an interesting topic and also ask a question to make the conversation open for a natural response flow.
You should try to avoid being full on and too fast to give out or ask for her phone number, avoid sharing problems till you meet in person and try to understand her and try to know more of her life every day, We all have personal and different problems but leave it offline for the start. This is not the same as withholding the truth as some things are better said in person. You can start a good and funny conversation at first.
Meet Someone & Start Love:
To meet new people in Facebook really matters a lot, you need to know them well enough to be able to set a date to meet together, their name, address, phone number and state of origin must be known before you decided to meet them. Make sure you know who you are chatting before you decided to meet in person; you need to be caution when you intend to meet a stranger.
A very good and secure way to be sure about them is by setting a video call, by this way you are sure of him and his physical being, it is not advisable to meet someone who you have not properly known, another best way to meet him is to share your story to your best friend, ask her to escort you to meet him and mostly choose to first meet at a public place or environment where people present can be seen.
PRIVACY: Privacy is very important, set your privacy as to avoid unwanted people posting things that you do not want on your wall, these unwanted posting can scare off your friends as they might see you differently, allowing people to post on your wall means that anybody can even post a nudity photos and even tag you to “already married group” chat so you look as if you are interested in already married women, i know you don’t want that, right?. so it better to set up your privacy to avoid friends of friend posting to your wall.
The online dating sites has make it easy to meet someone from different location around the world, many people has successfully met their love one and even getting married together, if you’re really looking for love, longtime relationship, talking or chatting mate or even marriage. Facebook is the only popular free dating site with millions of users worldwide; weather you’re looking for love in Nigeria or elsewhere. it is a good idea to give it a try, I wish you a good and successful search to meet your soulmate.
I wish you good luck in finding your love on facebook.
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